Although it might be nice to wait until summer for some really good tomatoes to put in this recipe I chose to post it now because it’s just too damn good to wait. Perhaps I’ll play around with the ingredients and include a modified version when the Missouri farmers start bringing their delicious tomatoes to the market.
This recipe was adapted from Gourmet‘s Cobb Salad which I found on Epicurious .
Killer Cobb Salad

Serves: 4-6
- Mixed Greens - 1 lb
- Chicken Breast - 1.5 lbs
- Bacon - 8 slices
- Tomato - 4
- Hard-boiled Eggs - 4
- Sliced Black Ollives - 5 oz can
- Chives - 2 tbsp
- Red Wine Vinegar - 1/4 cup
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 3/4 cup
- Dijon Mustard - 1 tbsp
- Kosher Salt - 1 tsp
- Cayenne Pepper - 1 tsp
- Black Pepper - 1 tbsp
- Avacado (optional) - 4
If you are grilling the chicken light the charcoals/start the grill (if not you could also pan roast [1]). Finely chop the chives[2] and place in a small container. Next dice the tomatoes[3] and place in a different container. Open the can of black olives, drain, and put in another container.
Salt and pepper both sides of the chicken breast and place on the grill. Line a large cookie sheet with aluminum foil, arrange bacon strips and sprinkle with black pepper. Set oven to 400 degrees and cook bacon for 18-20 minutes until crispy. Meanwhile begin heating a small sauce pan of water on high and once boiling add eggs and reduce to simmer (more specific help on boiling eggs here [4]).
To a blender/food processor add extra virgin olive oil, red wine
vinegar, Dijon mustard, cayenne papper and a pinch of salt+pepper. Blend on high until all ingredients are combined then pour into small jar.
After chicken is finished grilling dice the meat into bite sized chunks. Next chop the boiled eggs and finely dice the crispy bacon strips.
Combine chicken, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, black olives, chives, mixed greens, and the dressing in a bowl to serve immediately. If some servings will be saved for leftovers refrigerate in containers of the following: chicken+bacon, eggs, tomatoes+black olives, chives, mixed greens, and dressing in jar.
Optional: Avocado should be diced[5] and added to the salad but only immediately before serving.